While perhaps not the most imaginative name ever Coffee Chill 96 is still the best bar I have found on Railway Street Hanoi. And this is quite a fair achievement given how many bars that there are.
And what is Railways Street Hanoi? In quite simple terms it is a street where trains pass through it very narrowly, which allows people to watch the trains get past at considerable danger (particularly when drunk). It is the kind of thing that would never be allowed in the UK…
You can read my all encompassing guide to the street here.
Coffee Chill 96 Railway Street Hanoi

The best bar in Railways Street can be found to the east of the crossing as you go into Railway Street. Once here you will see an absolute multitude of bars and restaurants, some on two floors, some just the ground. There are also various shops selling crap to tourists.
Yet while there are lots of bars and restaurants very few actually stand out, with food and beer offerings not being that much different. What makes Coffee Chill 96 stand out though is the bottles of Vietnamese firewater that were lovingly crafted by the owner and set on display.
This was my hook….
What Ames Coffee Chill 96 the best bar on Railway Street?
After seeing me neck a plum wine the owner came up with google translate and stated “I see you like strong liquor. Can I give you a free shot of banana liquor” You had me at “I”…….
After I duly drank this in impressive fashion he then got me to try EVERY shot in his arsenal. Some were better than others, but I have to say the Ginseng one was truly strong. After this he got out the strawberry stuff for the ladies and kept recruiting people to join our shot crew.

And if this was not enough he was even “the train guy” knowing exactly when trains were going to come, as well as having the loudspeaker to tell everyone to “MOVE” yes the drunk guy was in charge of peoples safety.

Because of this and indeed my own obsession with trains I ended up staying for 4 trains goin past and it was quite simply epic. In fact I have not had such a dual fun time since taking the train to Battambang and doing the Bamboo Railway.
Oh and the food was A OK too. So, if you do find yourself at the Hanoi Railway Street then head to Coffee Chill 96 for a wee shot, or 8.