Whether this is actually the best bar in Yangon I do not know as I did not get enough time to drink absolutely everywhere, but Disco School Girl Bar was certainly the best bar on 19th Street.
What attracted me to this bar? Well there are only about 5 bars on the street, so I had to sample them all. And obviously I was sonehwhat intrigued by the school girl part…

What is Disco School Girl Bar 19th street?
Located mid way through 19th street, it is not how the name implies some sort of girly bar of the Phnom Penh Street 136 mantle. It is just a cool bar with an upstairs, a nice bar area downstairs, as well as seating area outside where you can people watch and see the Street 19 action in full.
So, why is it called Schoolgirl bar? Quite simply because the uniforms of the waitresses are school uniforms, although less Japanese style and more English, with them even having jumpers!
Eating and drinking at School Girl Bar 19th Street
Food wise there are a few snacks on the menu, mostly consisting of satay, such as chicken, beef and even potato, but the main thing here is not eating, but drinking.
And the drinks menu is pretty darned decent, consisting of lots of draft beer, as well as well priced cocktails. Said cocktails could be gotten for as little as $1 for local liquor, or $2 for foreign liquor, which was generally the theme for drinks on this street. I obviously went local and confirm it was no Paiawara.
Alas I did not see Myanmar beer on the menu though

What I found the real kickers here though were two things. Firstly there was great music coming from outside, tacky stuff from the 70’s and 80’s but also they gave away free shots.
Not enough people give away free shots, although I certainly did when I had my own DMZ Bar. What people do not realize is that when you give free shots away people, people stay longer, which is exactly what I did.
And it is these factors that make me declare Schoolgirl bar perhaps the best bar on 19th Street and perhaps even in the running for being one of the best in Yangon.
For now at least the research continues….