Being and ex-British colony Hong Kong is awash with some of the few things we get right, such as pubs. And the best one of these to watch football is Churchills in Wan Chai.
And how do I know this? From my many years frequenting this den of iniquity. You can read my stuff on Wan Chai Street Food here as well as DH Day off.
Table of Contents
What the Wan Chai?

Probably the party place in Hong Kong, particularly around Lockheart Road. On this street theres a heady mix of bars and restaurants, massage places and full on clip joints.
Theres also bars/clubs which attract the local Pinay community as well as what can only be described as the United Nations of Street Walkers. Gems along here include Amazonia which formerly had a branch in Ermita. Another favorite of mine.
There are tough dodgy characters too with many a getting robbed story starting with beers in Wan Chai.
On the main street though are the collection of “real” pubs that draw in the English expats and football crowd.
In close proximity was my hotel IClub.
Churchills Wan Chai
Churchills is such an English pub name that I used to drink in a place of the same name back in my Chatham days, whence I got the name camp Hooch boy”
Hooch is a whole other story you can read about here.
Churchills Wan Chai is about always down the main drag and as per others on the street has an open side that allows people to really test the local anti-smoking laws, or at worst nip out for a snout when needed.
Beers and football at Churchills

As with most pubs in the area a pint, which means Carlsbery costs about $6, although it drops to almost half at happy hour 12-9 (not on Sundays).
And then there are the screens which are not all that impressive, bye create a school kids in front of the TV atmosphere, which means first come first served. You then get to watch he football, which meant seeing England 1-0 down until 90 seconds left. I personally cleared my tab – which was quick and easy only to see us equalize at the next bar.
I duly returned ti Churchills grabbed another beer and celebrated with the other English people as we grabbed our second goal. We then cuddled and celebrated like we had known each other for years.
And this is what you need too make the best pub in Wan Chai to watch football – The English.
Churchills Address;
Ground Floor,
104 Lockhart Rd,
Wan Chai,
Hong Kong
(No we do not add China).